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How Often I Feed My Springer Spaniel for Optimal Health

We had never owned a dog before Molly, so her feeding routine and diet were top priorities on our research list—and it wasn’t easy.

You’ll find countless articles linked to scientific papers and research discussing in detail dogs nutritional needs and daily feeding routines. While these are helpful and detailed, nothing will guide you better than understanding your own dog and their specific needs.

If you’re thinking of switching your dogs food please make sure to check out Different Dog via our link below. It will make a world of difference to us. We’re not running ads on this blog so you can enjoy an uninterrupted read, but if you use our promotional link to subscribe, you’ll get 50% off your first box and 10% off the next two. We’ll get £10 off our next box. So, it’s a win-win for both of us. Thank you!

Molly’s Different Dog Promotional Code

We were terrified about Molly’s nutritional needs when we first brought her home. We weren’t pleased with the type of food the breeder had chosen for her and were eager to find the best food we could afford for our Springer Spaniel.

Molly, our Springer Spaniel, is fed twice daily, predominantly with high-quality wet food enhanced by a small amount of dry food for texture. Her meals are scheduled post-walk: one after her morning walk and the final one around 6 PM after her last evening walk.

Starting Our Springer Spaniel’s Nutritional Journey

When Molly entered our lives, we were given a straightforward guide from the breeder to follow: feed her four times a day with the existing dry food.

Although this food was not the best quality, we did not want to upset her stomach by making changes at such an early stage.

A puppy resting on a carpet.
Molly – Our baby girl when she was still tiny

We opted to continue with this food until she grew a bit and became accustomed to us and her new home before attempting to transition her to a different type of food.

Essential Feeding Guidelines for Springer Spaniel Puppies

Puppies need to eat more often, and we fed Molly four times a day until she was four months old.

From the fourth month to around the tenth month, we adjusted her daily food intake and fed her three times a day, then later transitioned to two meals per day.

We mixed the dry food that the breeder used with a bit of water to aid digestion. It’s crucial to continue with the same food the breeder used for a while before deciding to switch to prevent upsetting your dog’s stomach.

A consistent daily feeding schedule for your Springer Spaniel puppy is essential.

Avoid the pitfall of feeding your dog at random times during the day; it’s not good for them, and you will also lose track of how many times you’ve fed your dog. Springer Spaniels, like all dogs, go through various growth stages that require adjustments in their feeding routines.

If you’re thinking of switching your dogs food please make sure to check out Different Dog via our link below. It will make a world of difference to us. We’re not running ads on this blog so you can enjoy an uninterrupted read, but if you use our promotional link to subscribe, you’ll get 50% off your first box and 10% off the next two. We’ll get £10 off our next box. So, it’s a win-win for both of us. Thank you!

Molly’s Different Dog Promotional Code

In the puppy stage, Springer Spaniels grow rapidly in their first months and thus need more frequent meals, typically three to four times a day, to support their high energy levels and developmental needs.

  • Supports High Energy Needs: Puppies have high energy requirements for growth and development. Frequent meals help meet these energy needs consistently throughout the day, preventing dips in energy and supporting active play and growth.
  • Promotes Better Digestion: Puppies have small stomachs that can’t hold large amounts of food at once. Smaller, more frequent meals are easier for them to digest, which reduces the risk of gastrointestinal distress, such as bloating or indigestion.
  • Stabilizes Blood Sugar Levels: Regular feeding helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, which is important for preventing hypoglycemia, a condition that can be particularly dangerous in young puppies, especially small breeds.
  • Encourages Positive Behavior: Frequent meals can help prevent hunger-related behavioral issues. Puppies that are fed regularly are less likely to engage in undesirable behaviors driven by hunger, such as chewing, digging, or excessive barking.
  • Aids in Training: Mealtime can be an excellent opportunity for training puppies. Using part of their meal as rewards during training sessions helps them learn good behavior while also ensuring they don’t consume too many additional calories from treats.

Keep in mind that it’s important to monitor your dog’s weight and condition and adjust their diet as necessary.

While it’s best to consult a veterinarian before making any significant changes, generally, you will know what’s best for your dog if you’ve done your homework.

Establishing a Routine: Transitioning to Adult Dog Food

As Springer Spaniels approach one year, their growth rate slows, and it’s recommended to transition them to an adult daily feeding routine that will hopefully last their entire lives.

At this stage, your Springer Spaniel may have two meals per day. This schedule helps prevent overfeeding and contributes to maintaining a healthy weight as they mature.

A Springer Spaniel in a bathrobe eating from a bowl outdoors on a sunny day.
Molly enjoys her meal al fresco, dressed up in her pink bathrobe – dining has never been this delightful!

We transitioned Molly to two meals per day when she was around ten months old although some sources say that you can do it when you puppy reach six moths.

Optimizing Adult Springer Spaniel Feeding Schedules

Some people opt to feed their dogs only once a day upon reaching adulthood. I believe this approach is mistaken and may potentially harm your dog.

Just imagine yourself eating only once a day; I’m sure you wouldn’t find it ideal.

If you’re thinking of switching your dogs food please make sure to check out Different Dog via our link below. It will make a world of difference to us. We’re not running ads on this blog so you can enjoy an uninterrupted read, but if you use our promotional link to subscribe, you’ll get 50% off your first box and 10% off the next two. We’ll get £10 off our next box. So, it’s a win-win for both of us. Thank you!

Molly’s Different Dog Promotional Code

Feeding adult Springer Spaniels two meals per day has several benefits that contribute to their health and well-being.

  • Digestive Health: Splitting the day’s food into two meals helps prevent bloating and indigestion, which can be common in dogs fed large, single meals. Smaller, more manageable meals are easier on the digestive system and help maintain regular bowel movements.
  • Weight Management: By distributing a dog’s daily caloric intake across two meals rather than one, it’s easier to manage hunger and avoid overeating. This can help maintain a healthy weight, reducing the risk of obesity, which is linked to various health problems including diabetes, joint issues, and heart disease.
  • Stable Energy Levels: Two meals per day help keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the day, providing a steady supply of energy and preventing energy peaks and troughs that can occur with less frequent feeding.
  • Behavioral Benefits: Regularly scheduled meals can reduce anxiety and stress around feeding, as the dog knows when to expect its next meal. This can help prevent food aggression and anxiety-related behaviors.
  • Enhanced Absorption of Nutrients: Eating two meals can help improve the absorption of nutrients. The body can only absorb so much at once, so spreading out the food intake allows for better utilization of the nutrients in each meal.

We have never experienced any problems with Molly during her transition from puppy to adult dog food or the feeding routine. It might be that she is just not that interested in food in general.

She never begs for food when we are eating, and we often have to remind her that it’s time for her breakfast or dinner :-).

Finding the Perfect Adult Dog Food

Selecting the best food for Molly was our top priority. Thorough research is essential, and by now, you should have a good idea of what type of food will best suit your dog.

Whether it’s dry food, wet cooked food, or a raw diet, make sure it’s the highest quality you can afford.

What is the Best Food for an Adult Springer Spaniel?

Honestly, I can’t definitively answer that question as it depends on your dog’s activity level and whether they have any allergies to specific ingredients.

However, I can share what we have chosen for Molly and what has worked for us.

Our Switch to Different Dog Food: A Success Story

Many people believe that a raw diet is best, others advocate for cooked food, and some prefer dry food. I argue that wet foods can be better than a dry diet; for this reason, we have opted for a cooked food from a small, reputable company called Different Dog.

If you’re thinking of switching your dogs food please make sure to check out Different Dog via our link below. It will make a world of difference to us. We’re not running ads on this blog so you can enjoy an uninterrupted read, but if you use our promotional link to subscribe, you’ll get 50% off your first box and 10% off the next two. We’ll get £10 off our next box. So, it’s a win-win for both of us. Thank you!

Molly’s Different Dog Promotional Code

We have been feeding Molly wet food since she was about 8 months old. Initially, we chose Butternutbox, a company known for its high-quality food.

However, Molly didn’t like it. We faced challenges daily trying to get her to eat, to the point where we started cooking chicken breast to add to her meals to entice her.

Eventually, we decided to try something new. I discovered Different Dog food through a recommendation on a fantastic website called All About Dog Food.

I have no affiliation with All About Dog Food and receive no compensation from them; I simply appreciate their approach, which includes easy-to-understand dog food ratings and detailed explanations of what to look for in high-quality dog food.

All About Dog Food is an independent resource that offers comprehensive information for anyone interested in optimizing their dog’s diet.

I highly recommend using their search tools to help decide on the best food choice for your Springer Spaniel.

Introduction to Different Dog as Molly’s new food choice

Transitioning from one dog food to another was one of the most stressful experiences I’ve had with Molly.

Dog food is expensive, and changing types carries a significant risk: your dog might not like the new option, leaving you with unused food.

Also, the transition must be done gradually, by mixing increasing amounts of the new food with the old over one to two weeks to allow your dog’s stomach and taste to adjust.

Fortunately for us, Molly was not fond of her previous food, so we decided to take the risk. We were (and still are) amazed at how much she loves Different Dog food.

A box of Different Dog dog food on the wooden table
Different Dog – wet dog food

She eagerly awaits her meals now and leaves nothing in her bowl. At first, we were concerned that we might not be feeding her enough, but considering the calories she receives each day and her level of activity, we are confident she has more than enough to keep her healthy and active.

If you’re thinking of switching your dogs food please make sure to check out Different Dog via our link below. It will make a world of difference to us. We’re not running ads on this blog so you can enjoy an uninterrupted read, but if you use our promotional link to subscribe, you’ll get 50% off your first box and 10% off the next two. We’ll get £10 off our next box. So, it’s a win-win for both of us. Thank you!

Molly’s Different Dog Promotional Code

Finding the right amount of food to feed your dog can take some time. Food companies like Different Dog offer forms on their websites where you can enter details about your dog, such as weight, dogs age and whether they are neutered.

Screenshot of a Different Dog dog meal planning questioner form.
Different Dog – dogs meal planning questioner form.

These forms provide estimated amounts and calorie counts to help you get started. However, take these estimates with a grain of salt. You know your dog best by now and should adjust the food quantity up or down as necessary.

What’s the Right Amount of Food for a Springer Spaniel?

The amount of food your dog needs daily depends on various factors such as their activity level, gender, weight and whether they are neutered.

It’s important to do your research to understand these needs better. For instance, our Molly is a very active spayed female Springer Spaniel who weighs 16 kg and is just over two years old.

According to the calculator on the Different Dog website, she requires 500 grams of wet food per day.

Previously, Molly was consuming 600 grams of wet food from ButternutBox before we transitioned her to Different Dog. We weren’t overly concerned about reducing her intake slightly because you can always adjust your plan and increase the amount of food if necessary.

We settled on 500 grams because we also mix her wet food with about 50 to 100 grams of dry food, so she consumes between 600 and 650 grams per day in total. Keep in mind, Molly is very active; she goes for three walks daily, totaling about 2.5 to 3 hours, and she maintains perfect health with this amount of food.

Boosting Your Dog’s Health with Dietary Supplements

Molly is very fussy when it comes to her food. Since she was a puppy, she’s had difficulty eating anything other than her main food. We’ve attempted to introduce vegetables and fruits, but she consistently rejects them.

Molly an English Springer Spaniel eating strawberries.
Molly eating Strawberry

She’s also not a fan of fish. For these reasons, we’ve incorporated additional supplements into her diet, such as Salmon Oil, which provides essential Omega-3 fatty acids, and Pumpkin Powder, which aids digestion, helps with constipation or diarrhea.

A bottle of Salmon Oil for dogs.
Salmon Oil for dogs with Omega 3, 6 and 9

While we don’t typically feed Molly Coconut Butter, it’s worth noting that we use it to clean her ears and rub into her coat.

If you’re thinking of switching your dogs food please make sure to check out Different Dog via our link below. It will make a world of difference to us. We’re not running ads on this blog so you can enjoy an uninterrupted read, but if you use our promotional link to subscribe, you’ll get 50% off your first box and 10% off the next two. We’ll get £10 off our next box. So, it’s a win-win for both of us. Thank you!

Molly’s Different Dog Promotional Code

It works wonders compared to commercial dog ear cleaners, is completely natural, and is very cost-effective.

Pure Coconut oil to clear dogs ears
Pure Coconut oil to clear dogs ears

So, that’s the full story of how we’ve managed our Springer Spaniel’s daily dietary needs. It hasn’t been easy, but knowing your dog well makes it easier to make the best decisions.

Just be sure to do your research first, keep an eye on the food quantity your dog requires, and adjust as necessary.

Photo of author
Tomasz Wzorek
Hi there! My name is Tomasz Wzorek, a passionate writer, and knowledgeable animal lover. With a deep understanding of Springer Spaniels, I invite you to follow my journey with Molly, my endearing canine companion. As we embark on daily escapades, learn about this amazing breed, care tips, and expert advice through this engaging blog.